Via I Maggio 20/22
IT 20070 San Zenone al Lambro (MI)
Ms. Rosario Patricelli
  • +39029810470
  • +393351010505
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Products and innovations

Zero liquid discharge plants

Zero liquid discharge plants

The zero liquid discharge systems aim to eliminate the discharge of waste water. They are also able to offer the reuse and recycling of contaminated water, producing high quality water, which can be reused in a cost-effective way.

Thanks to special units such as I.X., U.F., Nanofiltration, R.O., Multistage Evaporation and special technologies such as PUR-ALL, Z.L.D. plants guarantee the purification and total reuse of the water coming from any metal finishing line up to 98 per cent.

ZLD plants do not discharge water. Sewers are not required.

CIE Compagnia Italiana Ecologia in the MEDIA CENTER

Highly sophisticated plants for purification and total reuse of water coming from metal treatment, using a combination of technologies such as: chemical-physical purification, sand and charcoal filtration, UF, RO and Evaporation.
Photographer: C.I.E. SRL
Chemical-physical plants for water purification by metal precipitation and neutralization of acids and alkaline. PUR-ALL is also propaedeutic to ZLD (Zero Liquid Discharge) technology.
Photographer: C.I.E. SRL
Unit for separation of soluble salts from water in order to obtain water with low conductivity.
Photographer: C.I.E. SRL
Stand events


Hall 1 Stand 1B15
05/02/2023 09:00 - 17:00
05/03/2023 09:00 - 17:00
05/04/2023 09:00 - 17:00
05/05/2023 09:00 - 17:00
05/06/2023 09:00 - 15:00

Come to visit us at our booth B15, Hall 1 and every day we offer you special Italian food! 

While our experts will show you our innovative technologies and our products, you can taste our Italian specialties and drink a good spritz!

We wait for you!

Product groups

Product range

Water Evaporation Plants

Water Evaporation Plants

Spent solution concentrators working by water evaporation and subsequent condensation as distillate.
Heat Pump working scheme
Energy Source: Electric Power
Reduced Capacity: Generally no more than 300–400 l/day
1 Compressor (Freon); 2 Boiling Chamber; 3 Heat Exchanger; 4 Expansion Valve; 5 Steam Condenser; 6 Ejector; 7 Pump; 8 Distilled Water Tank; 9 Concentrate Pump.

Product range

Mechanical Filtration

Mechanical Filtration

Filtration is the general unitary operation able to remove solid particle from a liquid solid particle. The filtration is applied on solid that normally take long time for sedimentation or for high flow rate.

The sedimentation time depends from the velocity of sedimentation of the particle.

The velocity of sedimentation depends from difference in density of sludge and liquid («Stoke» law). As is possible to understand, if the flow rate is high or if the sludge as very low density the time for sedimentation became huge.

CIE realize his multimedia sand and charcoal filtration with 3 different layers of 99% pure silica. The most important part for the realization of mechanical filtration is to find the correct velocity for the water passing through the filters.

This value is carefully calculated by CIE technicians based on the data of the process and the type of solid to be removed. The fouling and clogging of the filter is monitored with a ΔP. When the pressure difference reaches the set point the back-wash cycle is automatically performed with air and water to have a fluidification of the filter bed.

Product range

Reverse Osmosis Teatment Plants

Reverse Osmosis Teatment Plants

CIE uses reverse osmosis technology in membrane wastewater treatment plants. This process allows the transfer of molecules from one saline solution to another. As a result, R.O. technology frees the water from unwanted substances.

The phenomenon of osmosis occurs when pure water flows from a dilute saline solution through a membrane into a higher concentrated saline solution.

A semi-permeable membrane is placed between two compartments. “Semi-permeable” means that the membrane is permeable to some species, and not permeable to others. Assume that this membrane is permeable to water, but not to salt. Then, place a salt solution in one compartment and pure water in the other compartment. The membrane will allow water to permeate through it to either side. But salt cannot pass through the membrane.

As a fundamental rule of nature, this system will try to reach equilibrium. That is, it will try to reach the same concentration on both sides of the membrane. The only possible way to reach equilibrium is for water to pass from the pure water compartment to the salt-containing compartment, to dilute the salt solution.

If a force is applied to this column of water, the direction of water flow through the membrane can be reversed. This is the basis of the term reverse osmosis. Note that this reversed flow produces a pure water from the salt solution, since the membrane is not permeable to salt.

Product range


RINSEGUARD is a specific unit dedicated to evaluate and feed only the required water to provide suitable rinsing on a Metal Finishing Line.

Use of the CIE RINSEGUARD System with reduce water consumption, and associated costs, up to 30% by avoiding unnecessary high rinse water flow rates

Product range


CHEMGUARD automatically measures baths concentration and provides important data such as acidity, alkalinity, pH and more.
It also adjusts the dosing rate of chemicals according to this data, checking and maintaining each bath’s pre-set values.

CHEMGUARD can also measure rinse conductivity, to help save water and insure perfect rinse quality.
The computerized system for Monitoring, controlling and feeding ALUMINUM FINISHING LINES (Chemical bathes and Rinses)

  • Directly measuring bath concentrations to provide operational data (acidity, alcalinity, pH, etc.)
  • Measuring rinse water conductivity and controlling rinse water flow rate to insure excellent rinse quality
  • Automatic checking and maintaining baths values of each bath, driving the feed of chemicals by a modular and reliable proportional band way

To keep rinse waters at salinity level to saving water and provide excellent quality:

  • Calculate, record and elaborate all data and alarms, including trends and diagrams, conforming to the requirements of ISO 9000.
  • Calculate and record the chemical consumption, per each bath and per each chemical
  • File all data/values with the possibility to visualise or export them by CD to other systems (excel, access, etc.)
  • Export all data through a common browser on Internet or Ethernet network
  • Tele-assistance from long distance through Internet connection
Product range



The CIE systems employs a unique regeneration process where HCl and NaOH usage are optimized and the regeneration waste volumes are less than 50% of current technology.

Purification plants with Ion Exchange (I.X.) technology, able to deliver demineralized water with a low salt concentration and conductivity able to produce process quality demineralized water for either rinse water recycling or once through operations.

Product range



CIE has patented a special technology called PUR-ALL, which is a chemical-physical process used for specific water treatment plants for fluorides and sulphates removal. The main purpose of this system is infact the abatement of sulphates, fluorides and aluminum, in order to obtain clean water from these elements, and therefore reusable.

PUR-ALL is based on a combined action between a chemical additive (PUR-ALL 03S) and application technology. Thanks to that combination, Sulfates and Fluorides are precipitated as ‘total insoluble complex’ of Al3O3, CaO, CaSO4, CaF2.

PUR-ALL process, allow to leave waste water with extremely low pollution

  • Sulphates: ≤ 150 ppm
  • Fluorides: ≤2 ppm
  • Conductivity: ≤ 400 µS/cm

PUR-ALL find its application on any acidic section containing H2SO4 and HF such as:

  • Aluminum Anodizing and Painting
  • Stainless Steel Pickling
  • Aluminum Cans & Coil

PUR-ALL technology is Barium and Barium salts free
PUR-ALL is also propaedeutic to ZLD (Zero Liquid Discharge) technology

Company news



CanMaker magazine dedicated an article to CIE and its innovative PUR-ALL technology that allows TOTAL WATER RESUE.

Read the article to know more about us and our products!

Company profile

CIE, con 41 anni di esperienza, è orgogliosa di essere una delle aziende leader in Europa nella progettazione, sviluppo, produzione e installazione di impianti per acqua e acque reflue, specificamente dedicati all'industria della finitura dei metalli.

CIE opera in tutto il mondo fornendo efficienza, affidabilità e conoscenza senza pari, grazie al suo team di esperti qualificati.
Con la nostra conoscenza di base e l'esperienza nella composizione chimica dei bagni di lavoro tipici, CIE offre diverse soluzioni appositamente progettate per le linee di finitura dei metalli.

Le due ultime tecnologie di particolare interesse per l'industria manifatturiera delle lattine sviluppate e offerte da CIE sono:


In grado di trattare gli inquinanti delle acque reflue della lavatrice a un livello abbastanza basso da soddisfare i requisiti ambientali più rigorosi per lo scarico diretto in laghi o fiumi. Inoltre, le acque reflue trattate possono essere utilizzate per l'irrigazione o restituite al sistema di lavaggio, il che comporta una riduzione del 50-80% nel consumo di acqua.


Questo è un ulteriore sviluppo del processo PUR-ALL, che consente il riciclo al 100% delle acque reflue dall'autolavaggio SENZA evaporatore o rifiuti liquidi - nessun costo per l'energia termica e nessun costo per le acque reflue.

CIE è uno specialista nello sviluppo e nell'applicazione di sistemi di recupero, come:

  • Ultra filtrazione e nanofiltrazione
  • osmosi inversa
  • Filtro multimediale
  • Fornitura e dosaggio di prodotti chimici (CHEMGUARD)
  • Evaporatori multistadio